Saturday, October 11, 2008

Physical Appearance

Since Pa Joad is a hard working man he may be strong, thin, and a little sun burned, since he has crops to look over. He also has brown hair with little grey hair, he may look like a farmer. He needs to work a lot to feed his family.


Mr Paul said...

Appearance is what you should have written. You have spellcheck at your fingertips, use it.
Your grade for this week is 65. You lost points for two major reasons: not submitting the required number of entries and not using Spellcheck to check your work.

Mr Paul said...

You still haven't corrected the word.

Unknown said...

Why youh so ruuuuudeeee?!?!?! :c making people's shad

Unknown said...

yo mr paul you gotta chill my nigga. didnt have to go off so hard on my mans.